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Recent Vegas Fights/Incidents

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by AyDee, Aug 31, 2020.

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  1. Audible Nectar

    Audible Nectar High-Roller

    Mar 21, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    I know for a fact that you can get DWI in Florida on a golf cart, even at some private locations. I was warned about this when renting a cart at the Spirit Of The Suwannee Music Park; not to have the driver be under the influence of alcohol as officers on site would not hesitate to issue DUI citations for drinking drivers.

    No clue WRT NV.
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  2. kittenhead

    kittenhead Low-Roller

    Aug 18, 2020
    Outer space
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    @Audible Nectar oh man, I have a funny story about a case we had where a guy got drunk at NASCAR (surprise!) and stole one of those beer golf cart things. Driving it all over the tailgate area like a lunatic. Of course the crowd there had no problem with it but the beer guy wasn’t too happy. There was a cop on foot nearby who started chasing him and he was this [] close to being able to grab that cart and hop on but he just couldn’t, just inches out of reach. The drunk turns his head and yells, while driving, “What seems to be the problem officer?”

    That guy definitely ended up in jail that night. Reality is better than fiction
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. comfortablynumb

    comfortablynumb Dogs have owners, cats have staff

    Dec 6, 2019
    Kansas City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Same in Missouri. My ex's dad was working lawn service on a country club near Camdenton and a cop pulled him over on a golf cart. He had been collecting beer cans from the course (he claims he was not drinking them) but supposedly the cop busted him for drinking them.

    As always, there's two sides to every story!!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
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  4. Valgal

    Valgal VIP Whale

    Aug 10, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I live around the corner from a mom and pop convenience store. There used to be a guy who would routinely ride his riding lawn mower to it to buy beer. He had lost his license due to DWIs.

    The fights and violence are concerning. But from what I have seen on the videos there has been tension between the parties involved. It wasn't like a group of meek tourists were singled out and attacked. I'm not trying to say that violent behavior is excused.

    I can attest within my own family and husband's -- money does not buy class. And there are a few I would not care to be seen in public with. The behavior is a little loud, immature for a grown adult and appearance is just down right tacky as in lack of hygiene and proper attire. It's not like I wear designer clothes at all. Walmart, Target, Macy's, Belks, & Amazon. -- I am pretty thrifty. I have very well off friends that shop in nothing but Thrift Stores. Like my sister -- she can find some good stuff. -- I know I'm getting off topic -- but I feel like I need to clarify my point and not pointing to any one group.
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  5. Ten_On_The_End

    Ten_On_The_End VIP Whale

    May 15, 2018
    Portage County, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Or as I heard it...... The only things open after midnight are jails and legs!
    • Funny Funny x 7
  6. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I just removed some posts that were veering off topic. Let's try to keep this focused on the original topic and try to avoid stereotyping and disparaging groups of people, please.

    I also wanted to point out an article I posted in the Covid Sticky yesterday.

    It's an opinion piece from a guy who writes for Nevada Independent. The article is about conspiracy theories around the fires in the west and in general. But in it he addresses the issues happening in Vegas and why the story about room rates being the issue. I thought some of you might want to see it if you missed it in the sticky.


    During Labor Day weekend, the Strip got egg on its face when videos of several street fights between drunk casino patrons went viral. The problem? If you ask casino executives, who certainly aren’t trying to weave a convenient story to keep credulous investors investing, the problem is room rates were too low. Since room rates at the Wynn started with a one instead of, say, a two or a three or a five, the wrong crowd — “poor” people who can only afford $197 per night instead of the $319 per night the Wynn would rather charge — lost control of themselves (as poor people always do, of course — that’s why they’re poor, right?) and proceeded to wreck the place.

    There’s just one problem with that narrative — it’s categorically false.

    For starters, even though I never pay more than $100 per night for a hotel room, much less nearly $200 (special thanks to the El Cortez for making that easy when I visit down south), I am somehow able to contain my poverty-inducing animal spirits well enough to avoid getting in drunken brawls. In my experience, I am not particularly unique. Contrary to what the executives at the Wynn and the Venetian might wish to communicate to their investors, those of us unwilling or unable to pay a third of a month’s rent on a single night’s stay in a hotel room are not unwashed animals incapable of controlling our basest instincts after a single drop of Demon Rum crosses our bloodstream.

    The real problem the Strip faces, beyond some insultingly antediluvian and Dickensian attitudes regarding poverty and personal responsibility within its boardrooms, is not one of wealth or room rates. The problem the Strip faces is twofold. First, the sort of person who’s willing to visit the Strip in the middle of a pandemic is going to have a greater appetite for risk and lower impulse control — a reliable recipe for street fights, trashed hotel rooms, and mediocre rock music — than the sort of person who sensibly stays away from people while a pandemic is in the air. Second, there are categorically fewer people interested in visiting the Strip in the middle of a pandemic. Put the two together and you end up with predictably smaller, more belligerent crowds.

    The solution — for the Strip, for those organizing campaign rallies, and for those evacuating their homes — is to stop weaving attractive conspiracy theories and face reality. Neither poor people, Democrats, nor “antifa looters” are hurting our economy, closing our businesses, nor destroying our homes. A poorly controlled infectious disease, out of control fires on poorly managed public lands, and our far too flawed, far too human responses to those disasters are doing all of that on their own. The only way out is to face those problems honestly and directly and shove out of the way as forcefully as necessary anyone and everyone who gets in the way.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  7. comfortablynumb

    comfortablynumb Dogs have owners, cats have staff

    Dec 6, 2019
    Kansas City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I used to be an avid watcher of the TV show "Hotel Impossible." According to Anthony Melchiorri, the New York real estate tycoon who assists the declining hotels with renovations, nightly room rates do drive the expected clientele of a given hotel.

    I would believe someone with a track record of established hotel success over the opinion piece of a journalist at a local newspaper. Just my thoughts. Now does this apply to these particular fights and brawls? Who knows. But in general, I believe Mr. Melchiorri.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I disagree with your assessment of Mr. Colborne, but you are certainly free to disagree with him. However, I'm curious. Do you think there's no truth to this?:

    First, the sort of person who’s willing to visit the Strip in the middle of a pandemic is going to have a greater appetite for risk and lower impulse control — a reliable recipe for street fights, trashed hotel rooms, and mediocre rock music — than the sort of person who sensibly stays away from people while a pandemic is in the air. Second, there are categorically fewer people interested in visiting the Strip in the middle of a pandemic. Put the two together and you end up with predictably smaller, more belligerent crowds.

    I think what he's saying is that the room rate isn't the whole story here. Before COVID, did we hear about brawls at Circus Circus or Downtown all the time, because those room rates are lower than anything Wynn or Venetian are offering right now. Maybe more than at Wynn, but I'm not sure that the lower room rates are entirely to blame.
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  9. comfortablynumb

    comfortablynumb Dogs have owners, cats have staff

    Dec 6, 2019
    Kansas City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Oh no, I don't disagree with you there. I think it takes a certain hubris to go to Las Vegas right now. I'm supposed to go next Friday, and I'm certainly questioning my own.

    The Wynn is always out of my price range no matter what, but I am going to try and behave myself at Mandalay Bay ;)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
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  10. Travel Fanatic

    Travel Fanatic The Arbiter of Taste Caviar Kid

    Jul 11, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I think there is truth to that statement in more typical times. But as the article Sonya posted makes clear, we are not dealing with typical times. Plus, does anyone seriously believe the room rates at the five star hotels is a root cause of the recent violent incidents? In the Encore incident, which seems to have been the largest incident reported, none of the people involved were actually staying at the hotel. So the price of a room was meaningless.
    I Need Spa
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  11. Champster1

    Champster1 VIP Whale

    Jun 24, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well put Sonya. I could not have said it better myself. Thank you for a common sense response to a lot ( IMHO) of rhetoric which attempts to blame all the ills of Vegas on a “certain group “ of folks . For me some of these posts have been rather frustrating TBH. I purposely have avoided even commenting. You are spot on! T - 20 days !!
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  12. BlueBellThunder

    BlueBellThunder VIP Whale

    Jun 2, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The solution is simply, a much larger police presence on the strip, and limit the scooter rentals to those that actually need it. I’m not sure if the second one is feasible, but I’m just throwing ideas out there. If Vegas continues down this path, people will stop visiting, and they will become a ghost town.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. LB9

    LB9 PH Blackjack Degen

    Jun 6, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but the problem with stereotyping is, even if a lot of people may fit a generalized category, not everyone does. In this case, I think to categorically say people chasing deals are part of the same motley crew of scumbags causing fights and raising hell is not only intellectually dishonest, but does nothing to solve the problem.

    There's a lot of assholes causing these problems, but, and this is my experience, assholes are poor and rich, come in all shapes in sizes, not one particular group or the other. There's common denominators here, sure, but I think we should pull on the brakes a little before uniformly assigning a class of people as solely the problem.
    • Agree Agree x 10
  14. vegasvstr

    vegasvstr VIP Whale

    May 31, 2017
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Agree, regardless of the details I believe even a perception that Las Vegas is unsafe/less safe could hurt Las Vegas long after covid.
    I just saw a Las Vegas commercial still pushing "What happens in Vegas...", seems poorly timed??

    Someone mentioned Circus Circus, I've visited there multiple times in the past and never saw any craziness or issues.

    I have a November trip planned, but stand ready to pull the plug if things don't improve and start going more "Mad Max".
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
  15. andyg99

    andyg99 VIP Whale

    Jul 9, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    whatever the reason for the "rowdy" folks is it seems that there is a solution... go during the week, trip reports here and stuff I've seen on-line have shown this "crowd" to be more prevalent on the weekends. In fact it seems like the issue has died down a lot since Labor Day weekend ended. Reports of violence, fights and general rowdiness seems to have alerted Vegas to increase the police presence on the strip which is a great thing. Vegas is safe as anywhere else on the planet, follow the rules and have a good time!
    Vegas Trip #57 Stones!
    Vegas Trip #58
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  16. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    There have been a few trip reports since Labor Day that report an increased security presence and enforcement of rules. I know I just read one (@annbrown57 I think) who said a few patrons who won't keep their mask on appeared to get walked.

    They are trying to respond. It must be exhausting for employees to constantly have to remind people how they are expected to behave. These are unusual times and they are paving new roads with having casinos open during a pandemic. At least they see the problems now and are trying to do something. Hopefully their changes will quell the problems.

    I agree the solution if you are concerned about it seems to be to try to go Sun-Thurs if you can. Obey the guidelines. Be patient with your fellow travelers, because we are all at least somewhat 'on edge'. And if something doesn't feel right, remove yourself from the situation ASAP.

    We have had a bunch of threads about how different Vegas crowds are. I think the article I quoted has a lot to do with that. Right now the town is being visited by people with a higher risk tolerance (no judgement, just psychological differences) and fewer from the higher-risk to Covid crowd, like me and my over 50, fanny-pack and Bermuda shorts brethren. ;)

    There has always been drunken belligerance in Vegas. Is it more prevalent now or just more noticeable without the convention, overseas, and older populations there to fill in the gaps? I am not sure, but I lean towards the latter.
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  17. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm a simpleton: Lower the level in the punchbowl, the more the turds congregate.
    • Funny Funny x 5
  18. BethReads

    BethReads Tourist

    Apr 26, 2017
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I’m curious how much of this I would see before 9 pm on a weekday? There are always assholes, and if I don’t get out of town soon I’m gonna lose it myself.
  19. annbrown57

    annbrown57 VIP Whale

    Jun 8, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hi Sonya, my trip was the week leading up to the middle of Labor Day weekend, I left that Saturday afternoon, 9/5 and was glad to go with the holiday crowd that started growing on Friday 9/4.

    Security was bending over backwards to be polite, but were very present & moving around on the casino floor especially at GN & Paris.
    At Paris a guard was checking keys to allow entrance to the elevators at all times that I passed through. There was also the SRT team walking the casino with their dogs a few times.
    At GN you have to swipe your card inside the elevator and it would only go to that floor going up. It was not required to go down.
    At Flamingo - no controls at the elevators

    I witnessed a gal right behind me at the Flamingo 7 Star check in line start screaming at 2 guys that had crossed over from the Diamond line that they had to wait. She then said “at” me that if I wasn’t going to go get in front of them - she would go before me. I simply smiled and said you won’t do it twice. About then a big, burly security guard walked up to stand next to me. It ends up the computer systems had gone down and they were simply trying to complete the guy’s check in that was already in process - took less than 3 mins.

    Yes, there was a huge difference in the amount of people between Mon-Thurs compared Fri-Sun.

    Keep in mind that I wandered out of my room between 7AM and usually back in by 7PM. I’m sure that there were more people in the evenings so maybe harder to patrol as quickly.

    I think the short tempers & rudeness are everywhere, not just Vegas. I stayed home for 2 weeks after I got back (just in case I was carrying anything) but met a friend at Red Robin to dine outside on the patio yesterday. 2 different tables were just rude to the waitresses, 1 gal went totally ballistic because they currently don’t have onion buns available on their limited menu. The other table didn’t get the unlimited fry refill quick enough. Just ask - don’t be derogatory.

    There are enough problems in the world right now, just treat people as you want to be treated. Life is really that easy.

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  20. FABismonte

    FABismonte Tell my wife I am "about even."

    Sep 16, 2009
    Silicon Valley, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I like your style but it would have been hard to see your smile underneath a mask.
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