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Table Games Goodbye MGM properties

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by hendo70, Sep 21, 2018.

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  1. bubbakitty

    bubbakitty Doing retirement again and happily so....

    Feb 17, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I played 5$ minimum (I was the big spender at the table playing 10$+) at an almost silent el Cortez on Monday. It was double deck , machine shuffled while we played the second deck, and a little notch in the discard tray showed her where to cut the deck for placement of the black "end of deck" card. It was fun but awfully quiet.
    Not saying it was as nice as Mlife or CET material but drinks were acquired and some money made much to the pit boss's chagrin. And that was also fun.

    So it can be done. If you want (you being the corporation).

    I am always amazed how active a place can be (the old Barbary Coast for example) with 5$ games and a pleasant atmosphere. It packs the house (or did). No you feel bad making eye contact with dealers just standing there looking back at you as you wander by.
  2. NICKG5

    NICKG5 Tourist

    Apr 30, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Just got back from fight weekend. NYNY is the only MGM owned property that has double deck on the main floor. Both tables were $25 when open. Spoke to the pit boss about the future of the tables and was told they are fighting to keep at least one of them. Based on the tone, my guess is corporate will have them removed at some point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. bubbakitty

    bubbakitty Doing retirement again and happily so....

    Feb 17, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Amazing a pit boss would have to fight corporate... unless it is a loss for the casino....what does “boss” mean anymore?
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